April 16, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

April 16, 2024 6:00 PM


Board President Al Schreiber called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Board Directors Present: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King
Student Advisors Present: Grace Pacheco
Student Advisors Absent: Bee Hartell, excused

President Schreiber announced two opportunities within the agenda for public comment.

President Schreiber led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Director Steve King moved to approve the agenda for the April 16, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King

Passed: Unanimously

March 19, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Director Charlotte Murry moved to approve the minutes for the March 19, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Miranda Evans.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King

Passed: Unanimously

March 19, 2024 Study Session
Director Steve King moved to approve the minutes for the March 19, 2024 Study Session; seconded by Director Charlotte Murry.

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King

Passed: Unanimously

Superintendent Rumbaugh reiterated that there will be two opportunities for public comment at the meeting and Director Schreiber will announce when it is time for Public Comment. 

1. Donations: Dr. Deborah Rumbaugh
Superintendent Rumbaugh presented the donations. She expressed her appreciation for the donations, noting that she and Board President Schreiber will send thank you letters on behalf of the Board. 

 2. February Financial Report: Ruth Floyd
Executive Director of Business Services, Ruth Floyd, walked the Board through the February Financial Report, highlighting the Executive Summary, Manager's Expenditure Report, Monthly Fund Balance, Object Summary, Budget Status Report, Budget Capacity Report, and Food Services Report. 

3. Reduced Educational Program Plan: Ruth Floyd
Executive Director of Business Services, Ruth Floyd, presented a Reduced Educational Program Plan to the Board as well as an update on Legislation Outcomes. The Reduced Educational Program Plan proposed $2.2 million in reductions for the 2024-25 school year. Ms. Floyd expressed her appreciation to the Legislature for the increased amounts from the state and she thanked the community for maintaining levy funding. Discussion followed. 


President Schreiber offered anyone attending the meeting, in person or virtually, to speak to any of the items on the Consent Agenda. There being none, Director King moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 9; seconded by Director Evans. 

Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Betsy Foster, Steve King

Passed: Unanimously

1. Approve the Donations

2. Approve the Stanwood High School Field trips as follows:

a. State Championships - Girls Golf, May 20-22, 2024, DuPont, WA
b. State Championships - Boys Golf, May 22-22, 2024, Lacey, WA
c. State Championships - Track & Field, May 22-25, 2024, Tacoma, WA
d. State Championships - Baseball, May 23-25, 2024, Pasco, WA
e. State Championships - Softball, May 23-25, 2024, Olympia, WA
f. State Championships - Boys Soccer, May 23-25, 2024, Puyallup, WA
g. State Championships - Girls Tennis, May 23-25, 2024, Vancouver, WA
h. Western WA University Team Camp - Volleyball, June 30 - July 3, 2024, Bellingham, WA
i. National Competition - SkillsUSA, June 24-29, 2024, Atlanta, GA
j. National Competition - Technology Student Association, June 26 - July 1, 2024, Orlando, FL
k. National Competition - Future Business Leaders of America, June 26 - July 1, 2024, Orlando, FL 

3. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 6212 Procurement and Charge Cards 

4. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 6500 Risk Management

5. Adoption of Resolution 2023/2024-009 Reduced Educational Plan for the 2024-25 School Year

6. Approve the 2023-2024 Erate Purchase of Network Switches and Support

7. Approve the Copier Replacements and Maintenance Agreements for Stanwood High School, Cedarhome Elementary School, and Twin City Elementary School

8. Approve the Personnel Report for April 16, 2024

9. Approve the Bills and Payroll


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to the meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.

President Schreiber reiterated Board Policy 5161, Civility in the Workplace Policy, reminded everyone to be respectful, and shared that each citizen would have three minutes to address the board. Board policy allows for 30 minutes of public comment, which can be extended by the Board President.

1. Brooke Knight presented comment regarding the March Study Session and comments made by school board directors. 

2. Rick Flores presented comment regarding remarks made during the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

3. Michelle Huntley presented comment regarding statements made by school board directors.

4. Tina Stanley presented comment regarding local control of the School Board. Ms. Stanley shared a letter written by an anonymous person. 

5. Angie Nickerson presented comment regarding the importance of equity in the school district. 

6. Satin-Deseree Arnett presented comment regarding the importance of the work done by the equity committee and her commitment to that work. 

7. Judi Brown presented comment regarding the district's commitment to equity. 

8. Eric Jacobson presented comment in support of equity in schools.  

9. Tracy Abuhl presented commented regarding her concerns about the March 19, 2024 Study Session and local control of the school board. 

10. Graham Sorkin presented comment regarding statements made by board directors.

Board President Schreiber, with the consensus of the Board, extended the time allowed for Public Comment. 

11. Stuart Hunt presented comment regarding academic performance.

12. Zoey Ness presented comment regarding the March Study Session and the importance of equity. 

13. Debbie Moline presented comment regarding local control of the School Board. Ms. Moline continued reading the anonymous letter shared by Tina Stanley.

14. Katie Farrey presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools. 

15. Edward Farrey presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools. 

16. Phyllis DeSoto presented comment regarding her concerns about how the school board has been treated as well as the lack of focus on academics. 

17. Taurean Ota presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools. 

18. Laura Laures presented comment regarding the importance of funding school libraries and their important role as places of equity and inclusion by serving all students.  

19. Michelle Freedman presented comment regarding remarks made during the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

20. Reverend Justin White presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools and his concerns regarding the March 19 Study Session. 

21. Wendi Monnie presented comment regarding the March 19, 2024 Study Session and local control of the School Board. 

22. Tim Schmitt presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools. 

23. Doug Standish presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools.  

24. Kelly McGill presented comment regarding his concerns about remarks made during the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

25. Jeanne Kelly presented comment regarding remarks made by school board directors during the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

26. Karissa Kelley presented comment regarding the importance of equity in schools and her concerns regarding the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

27. Leslie Goehri presented comment regarding district leadership experience, academic standards, and accountability.

28. Tom Miller presented comment regarding his concerns about the March 19, 2024 Study Session.

29. Shannon Baumgartner presented comment regarding the district's equity policy.

30. Ali Thomas presented comment regarding equity and shared her personal experiences. 


1. First Reading to Retire Policy 2029, Animals as Part of the Instructional Program
There were no questions regarding retiring Policy 2029, Animals as Part of the Instructional Program, and the Board moved the policy forward for a second reading.

2. First Reading, Revised Policy 2030, Animals in Schools
There were no questions regarding revised Policy 2030, Animals in Schools, and the Board moved the policy forward for a second reading.


Director Miranda Evans' comments included her recent attendance at a CFAC (Community Facilities Advisory Committee) meeting where members of the committee toured schools and other district facilities. 

Director Steve King reported that he attended a CFAC (Community Facilities Advisory Committee) meeting and shared an apology for comments made during the March 19, 2024 Study Session. 

Director Betsy Foster reported that she has been working on policies and resolutions.

Director Charlotte Murry reported that she attended a CBAC (Community Budget Advisory Committee) meeting and participated in the exit conference for the district audit, noting the result of a clean audit for the district.

Director Al Schreiber shared that he is looking forward to presenting an employee of the month award tomorrow.

Dr. Rumbaugh thanked everyone in attendance for coming to the meeting and sharing their perspectives. 

President Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m. 



Vice President





Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board