September 5, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292

September 5, 2023 - 1:00 PM


Board President Miranda Evans called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber, Natalie Hagglund, Debbie Bayes, Charlotte Murry
Director Murry arrived at 1:07 p.m. (excused)

President Evans announced two opportunities within the agenda for public comment.

President Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance

Director Schreiber moved to approve the agenda for the September 5, 2023 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Hagglund.

Aye: Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber, Natalie Hagglund, Debbie Bayes

Passed - Unanimously

August 22, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
Director Hagglund moved to approve the minutes for August 22, 2023 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Director Schreiber.

Aye: Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber, Natalie Hagglund
Abstained: Debbie Bayes



  1. Staffing Update: Christine Del Pozo
    Christine Del Pozo, Executive Director of Human Resources, presented a summary of 2023-24 posted, filled, and open positions for Certificated and Classified staff. 

  2. Back-to-School Update: Deborah Rumbaugh
    Superintendent Rumbaugh highlighted September enrollment data, the School Annual Action Plan process, Professional Development, and beginning of the year operational and a classroom size status update.  

  3. District Strategic Plan End of the Year Update: Deborah Rumbaugh
    Superintendent Rumbaugh provided an update of year two of five of the District Strategic Plan highlighting the goals and measures, the roadmap for accomplishing goals, a focus on embracing diverse voices, and the mobilization of teacher, school, and district leaders.  

  4. Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP) Brief Overview: Ben Gauyan
    Ben Gauyan, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning presented an overview of the Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP). Dr. Gauyan shared the program requirements and process for eligible Juniors and Seniors.  

President Evans offered anyone in attendance the opportunity to speak to items on the Consent Agenda; she offered board members the opportunity to pull any items for discussion. There being none, Director Hagglund moved to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 10; seconded by Director Murry.

Aye: Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber, Natalie Hagglund, Debbie Bayes, Charlotte Murry

Passed - Unanimously 

  1. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 1400, Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

  2. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5005, Federal Immigration Law Compliance for Staff 

  3. Approve the Second Reading, Revised Policy 5050, Contracts

  4. Approve the Letter of Agreement with the Public School Employees of Stanwood-Camano for the 2023-2024 school year outlining the compensation of staff substituting in a bus paraeducator role

  5. Approve the three year Agreement for legal services to be provided by Porter Foster Rorick LLP

  6. Approve the Stanwood High School Student Field Trips as listed below:
    a. Sundome Volleyball Festival Tournament - Volleyball, September 8-9, 2023, Yakima, WA
    b. Nike Cross Country Meet - Cross Country, September 29-30, 2023, Portland, OR
    c. FFA National Competition - FFA, October 29 - November 4, 2023, Indianapolis, IN
    (Note: FFA was formerly called "Future Farmers of America" but is now referred to as FFA to "reflect the growing diversity of agriculture.")

  7. Approve the Assignment of Teachers Outside of Endorsement Area for the 2023-24 school year

  8. Approve the Second Amendment to the Superintendent's Contract to reflect a salary reduction based upon the three furlough days during the 2023-2024 school year to reflect budget reductions

  9. Approve the five year Interlocal Agreement with Educational Service District No. 112 (ESD112) to facilitate E-Rate consultation services

  10. Approve the Personnel Report dated September 5, 2023 


Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit online requests using the PUBLIC COMMENT link or email [email protected] two hours prior to the board meeting start time. For those attending the meeting in person, request forms are available in the boardroom for submission prior to meeting start time. Citizens who wish to provide documents to board members will hand them to the Recording Secretary for distribution after the meeting. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak.

There was no public comment.


  1. First Reading, New Policy 6550, Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs)
    There were no questions. Policy 6550 moved forward for a second reading.


Director Hagglund shared her appreciation of the WAGAP program, commenting on what a great opportunity this is for families. She commented that she enjoyed the summer school celebration which included an art display.

Director Bayes' comments included that she was present at Twin City Elementary for the start of the first day of school and was excited to see all the first day of school excitement.

Director Schreiber expressed his appreciation to the schools and staff for their preparations for the new school year. He also commented that he was able to visit the high school on the first day of school and was impressed by the welcoming students and families received on the first day of school.

Director Murry shared her apologies for her tardiness to the meeting. She expressed her appreciation for the district's Facebook page and other communication resources. Director Murry's comments included that she recently attended a Tribal Consultation and looks forward to sharing more about this with district administrators. 

Director Evans reminded the board to complete their legislative priorities scoring by Friday. She shared her excited for the recent football game and commented that the game was well attended and spectators were respectful. Director Evans also shared her appreciation of the district's sports report newsletter.  

Superintendent Rumbaugh added that as of the September 5, 2023 Personnel Report, the final teacher impacted by the reduction in force has been returned to a position in the district, therefore, all teachers that had been previously reduced due to budget reductions have been returned to employment. 

There being no further business, President Evans adjourned the meeting at 1:49 p.m.



Vice President





Deborah Rumbaugh, Ed.D. 
Secretary to the Board