Stanwood-Camano School District #401
Administration & Resource Center Boardroom
26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, Washington 98292
October 6, 2020
Board President Natalie Hagglund called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. President Hagglund announced the statutory waivers/suspensions of the Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) cited in the Governor's Proclamation 20-28.11 have been extended, including that boards conduct meetings remotely and not in person, therefore, the October 6, 2020 Regular Board Meeting and Study Session will be held using the Zoom platform.
When: Oct 6, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Stanwood-Camano S.D. Regular Board Meeting and Study Session
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Board members present: Natalie Hagglund, Ken Christoferson, Charlotte Murry, Miranda Evans, Al Schreiber
Natalie Hagglund led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Miranda Evans moved to approve the Agenda for the October 6, 2020 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Al Schreiber.
Natalie Hagglund announced votes will be taken by oral roll call.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes
Al Schreiber moved to approve the Minutes for the September 15, 2020 Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Charlotte Murry.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
1. Donations
Donations were presented by Ken Christoferson. Director Christoferson shared appreciation for the donation.
2. Introductions:
Parent Liaison Mariela Hernandez - Lloy Schaaf
Student Support Advocate Amy Hart - Maurene Stanton
Dr. Lloy Schaaf, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, shared that the Parent Liaison is a new position that will assist with connecting families, where English is not their first language, to the district and school communities. Mariela shared briefly about her background as a Stanwood community member and at Seattle Children's Hospital. Mariela added she is excited to work with the district in her new role. Board members welcomed Mariela.
Maurene Stanton, Executive Director of Human Resources, introduced Amy Hart, newly hired Student Support Advocate, adding that while Amy will be located at Stanwood High School, Student Support Advocates serve all of the district's Snohomish County Schools in some capacity. Ms. Stanton shared Amy is a Stanwood High School graduate and has had many years of social work experience in a variety of settings. Ms. Hart shared she looks forward to working with the community and getting to know everyone. Board members welcomed Ms. Hart.
3. Enrollment - Steve Lidgard
Steve Lidgard, Executive Director of Business Services, reported the enrollment count for October 1, 2020, is 4430.71 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE); the average for the year is 4427.43 FTE; and, October enrollment is 208.58 FTE below budget. Mr. Lidgard reviewed some of the individual school counts.
Natalie Hagglund asked the board if they wished to pull any items from the Consent Agenda. Al Schreiber requested Item #1, First Reading of New Policy 4302 Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools, be pulled.
Natalie Hagglund called for any public comment on the Consent agenda. There was no public comment.
Natalie Hagglund requested a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 2 through 11.
Al Schreiber moved to approve Consent Agenda items 2 through 11; seconded by Ken Christoferson.
Aye: Al Schreiber, Charlotte Murry, Ken Christoferson, Miranda Evans, Natalie Hagglund
Passed - Unanimously
Approval of the First Reading of New Policy 4302 Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools. That the Board approves the First Reading of New Policy 4302 Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools, dated October 6, 2020. (MS) Pulled from the Consent Agenda
Approval of the First Reading of Revised Policy 3206 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited. That the Board approves the First Reading of Revised Policy 3206 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited, dated October 6, 2020. (MS)
Approval of the First Reading of Revised Policy 4230 Distribution of Youth-Related Materials. That the Board approves the First Reading of Revised Policy 4230 Distribution of Youth-Related Materials, dated October 6, 2020. (SL)
Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Policy 3120 Enrollment. That the Board approves the First Reading of Revised Policy 3120 Enrollment, dated October 6, 2020. (LS)
Approval of the Second Reading of Revised Policy 3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences. That the Board approves the First Reading of Revised Policy 3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences, dated October 6, 2020. (LS)
Approval of iGrant 217 Highly Capable Program Plan for the 2020-21 School Year. That the Board approves the iGrant 217 Highly Capable Program Plan for the 2020-21 School Year, dated October 6, 2020. (JA)
Approval of the Interagency Agreement with Everett Community College for the College in the High School Program, 2020-2021. That the Board approves the Interagency Agreement between Everett Community College for the College in the High School Program, 2020-2021, dated October 6, 2020. (LS)
Approval of the Contracts for Educational Services listed below, a through d, for educational support services for students enrolled in the Stanwood-Camano School District.
- Blue Water Behavioral Consulting
- Orientation and Mobility Services
- Maxim Healthcare Services
- Gersh Academy
That the Board approves the contracts listed above, a through d, for educational support services for the students enrolled in the Stanwood-Camano School District, dated October 6, 2020. (RH)
Approval of the Revised Elementary Hybrid Learning Model. That the Board approves the Revised Elementary Hybrid Learning Model, dated October 6, 2020. (LS)
Approval of Stanwood High School Ticket Booth Change Order No. 33. That the Board approves the Stanwood High School Ticket Booth Change Order No. 33, dated October 6, 2020. (GP)
Approval of Personnel Consent Agenda. That the Board approves the Personnel Consent Agenda, including certificated/classified new hires, resignations, leave requests, retirements, and travel, dated October 6, 2020. (MS)
Natalie Hagglund commented she, too, had planned on pulling proposed policy 4302, as the policy includes a statement that the district will not inquire or request information on a student's place of birth, which is in conflict with the district's enrollment form (Skyward) which does request a student's place of birth. Al Schreiber stated he would also like to know if the district attorney has reviewed the policy for meeting responsibilities under federal law while protecting individuals and doing what is right for kids. Maurene Stanton shared about the process used to vet 4302, including review by the Equity Leadership Team and the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA). Ms. Stanton shared WSSDA cautioned against making any adjustments to the policy as any changes need approval from the Attorney General, per RCW. Maurene Stanton will follow up on Skyward enrollment to find out options and report back to the Board.
Citizens wishing to address the Board are asked to submit their request to speak two hours prior to the board meeting start time. Click on the link PUBLIC COMMENT or email [email protected] to submit your request; please include your comment topic. The Board President will call upon individuals who have requested to speak during the Public Comment section of the agenda. Individuals will state their name and address for the record and will be allowed three minutes to speak. If you are attending the zoom meeting via phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from in your email or Public Commentrequest so we can locate you in the attendee group and enable the speaking function.
There was no public comment.
Al Schreiber commented he looks forward to moving to a more normal classroom situation, adding he hopes the district can continue in the current direction. Director Schreiber thanked staff for all they are doing.
Charlotte Murry added her appreciation for the work everyone is doing to move toward returning students to the classroom, while realizing the safety and health of all is important. Director Murry shared she is happy to see the district is moving in the right direction and, as long as the science is there, hopes to see more students in school soon.
Ken Christoferson's comments included sharing the district is fortunate to have a superintendent and administrative team who have spent a lot of time researching the appropriateness of starting schools, and he expressed appreciation for the opportunity this provides board members to share that administration has done the research, with the experts, and continues to do so. Director Christoferson noted, if the district stays in the current category, continuing to use the science, the district is in a good spot. Additional comments included appreciation for seeing kids back in school, continuing to meet expectations to accommodate parents and students and an expression of gratitude to staff for making it happen.
Miranda Evans shared she has enjoyed seeing the smiling faces of those going to school on social media and thanked those who have done the positive work to make it happen. Director Evans added she appreciates that as a community everyone has come together to make the best decisions for kids, including listening to the science. Directors Evans thanked everyone for their efforts as well as transparency.
Jean Shumate thanked everyone for their work on reopening schools and briefly shared about her site visits on the first day of implementing the K-e hybrid model.
Natalie Hagglund shared a quote by Roy T. Bennett, "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever."Director Hagglund reflected on the current situation as a storm, adding storms will pass. She also extended a thank you to principals, adding she is grateful for all of the hard work they do to take care of students, families and staff.
At 1:24 PM, Natalie Hagglund announced the regular meeting was adjourned and the board would take a five-minute break before calling to order the study session.
Natalie Hagglund called the Study Session to order at 1:29 PM.
Board Goals and Evaluation Process
Board members reviewed and refined the draft goals document that was reviewed and discussed at the August 25, 2020 Study Session. Director Hagglund shared a document summarizing items in policy that require reporting to the Board (monthly, semi-annually, annually) and items in policy that are required to be completed by the Board with a certain time frame. Discussion followed regarding the superintendent's evaluation process and a draft evaluation form was presented by Director Hagglund and discussed.
Jean Shumate shared updated information from the Snohomish Health District and Charlotte Murry shared information from the recent Washington State School Directors General Assembly.
Natalie Hagglund adjourned the study session at 3:18 PM.
Vice President
Jean Shumate, Ed.D.
Secretary to the Board